Evolo 2019 Competition - Les Poumous

Les Poumons


 the first object of study was the Klein bottle and its geometry. The way it flows from the open space to an enclosed one in one coherent motion, it provided us with a new way of viewing the exterior vs. interior in terms of public/private, open/closed, landscape/interiors.
Typically skyscrapers are, in an ontological sense, a private enclosed structure manifesting power and economic strength, however they create lifeless public spaces and a harsh division between what is private and what is public. A skyscraper is contentually a private object and in correlation with the Fordist direction of a divided space and society. Nonetheless, today it is time to progress to a new agenda for organizing space.

Landscape vs Interiority

We are used to thinking of skyscrapers in regards to their insides - their interiority. A skyscraper is the product of creating an absolutely artificial environment where we move through lifts, breathe air-conditioned air and work under artificial lighting with minimal contact with anything natural. Mostly we spend our time inside, which leads to a misunderstanding of the outside, of our surrounding environment. It becomes fully artificial and we stop caring about how much waste we produce, air pollution and grey water. If we were to rediscover and form a new relationship with the outdoors, the landscape, we would be more cautious of it.
Having a structure where ‘inside’ and outside are intertwined and completed with flora, brings this family of buildings into a new dimension of growth and significance. In small scales like personal gardens, to a larger importance of being the new lungs of a long polluted area.
And since environments that typically have skyscrapers are limited in the horizontal space for natural landscapes, we have to go vertical.

Commonly, in a skyscraper, one is limited to exploring larger spaces, staying in an office or a flat, left with not many options of changing atmospheres, except elevators or drugs. In a Klein bottle skyscraper you can open the door out to the exterior and invite the outer landscape inside. There are many options of circulation and usage of space. The range of differents options broadens exponentially together with the richness of the used architectural language.


A system of wetland roofs and rainwater retention consisting of horizontal and sloping wetland elements. On the roof there are a rainwater retention tank and a lake with pumping and accumulation reservoirs. These are green roofs composed of substrates satiated with water in which wetland plants grow. The whole water system also works as a general cooling device for the building and grey water cleaner.

Globally, the concept of Les Poumons, a collective of skyscrapers shifting landscape into the vertical axis, is an intertwined structure of exteriors and interiors striving to create a stronger dialogue with its environment and redefine their contemporary role in urban structures and bring more significance and value to its surroundings.