Introspection of work from 2007-2019. From the first thesis on the confiscation of seeming rationalism to the integration of complex systems into the internal code of architecture. From Hall P at the Brno Exhibition Center to airport cities, successive concepts and projects based on Object Oriented Onthology inspired by Graham Harman's philosophy.
Introspekce práce z období 2007-2019. Od prvních tezí o konflitku zdánlivého racionalismu po integraci komplexních systému do vnitřního kódu architektury. Od pavilonu P na brněnském výstavišti po letištní města, sukcesivní koncepty a projekty založené na Object Oriented Onthology inspirované filozofií Grahama Harmana.
successive skysraper 2015 |
Evolo compettion entry 2015, skyscraper based on generative from using successive strategies
pavilon P BVV -study 2007, competition, Ist Place |
pavilon P BVV -study 2007 interior |
Prediploma -Emergent Cluster, Studio Zaha Hadid Vienna 2015 |
KOMA 2016 exhibition , spolupráce Jakub Kopec |
AirportCity Prague, competition 2015 - award, spoluprace Jakub Kopec, Michal Macuda |
RGB I. |
memoriam of pilot Kaspar, Competition |
Integro, Studio Zaha Hadid Vienna, 2014, with S.Nabavi, J.Park. |
house in Celechovice, 2008, realization 2010-2016 |
wire 2007 |
Act, aqarel on paper, 2008 |
Floating Shells, Studio Zaha Hadid Vienna 2014, with Y. Binica. |
Golden Square, I, II, IV, VI |
Chapel for Lažánky memorial, 2010